A Few Dos & Don’ts You Must Consider at Poker Table

A Few Dos & Don’ts You Must Consider at Poker Table

We have many people at the poker table who shout, boast, argue or berate other players. Then, there are many others who act out of their turn, hassle the dealer or over celebrate their wins. If that is the case, you don’t have manners or you just don’t care. If you do care to be nice at the offline poker table, here are some tips and points you need to ponder before you go on to play the game next time:

1) A Quick Look at Dos:

Be Professional
This is not a golf, but this is a game where you can make lots of money. It is not about the drinking and talking crazy for hours, it is an opportunity to look and act to win if you play poker for living. Give your 100% and take every moment seriously to win money and make a lucrative career in poker.

Be Polite to Everyone
It is okay to have a little chat, as some tables allow small talks. But it needs to be nice and friendly. The legendary Daniel Negreanu is widely known for his being nice, friendly and light chatter during games. This is a commendable trait to cultivate and is good for the spirit of the game. Some players lie about cards or offend or upset opponents in a lazy attempt, which a wrong attempt.

Be Social at the Table
Remember, offline poker is a social game. Keep your conversation as light and friendly as possible. Avoid talking about your bad beats. This is what newbie players do. Nobody at the table wants to hear your bad beat story. Also, don’t hit on women at the poker table, nobody wants the tension of your catcalls.

Reprimand Players Breaking Rules
When other poker players are talking about a hand or acting out of turn or breaking any table rules, it should be fine for you to calmly explain why what they are doing is wrong. If you don’t do this, others may join in and the whole culture at the table may get spoiled. So, reprimand those who break table rules.

2) A Quick Look at Don’ts:

Don’t Play Out of Your Turn
As the hand begins, the player on the left of the dealer posts small blind, the person to their left posts big blind, and betting goes on clockwise. Betting out of turn is a big sin in poker and ruins the flow of the game. It can even affect players strategies and decision. So, avoid acting out of your turn in poker.

Don’t Ask to See Mucked Cards
While the rule of poker game says that any poker player can ask to see a called hand, but it is a wrong etiquette to do so in poker, because lots of players might feel offensive. Ideally, if you are asking to see someone’s private cards, you are somehow calling them a cheat, which is a wrong approach.

Don’t Blame Dealer
The dealer is just to deal the cards. He or she doesn’t make the rules personally. Always keep in mind that dealers cannot change the outcome of the game. So if you get a bad beat, don’t blame or throw your tantrums on the dealer. Behave nicely and never make the life of a dealer difficult at the table.

Don’t Delay the Game
Thinking about the next hand play or watching out others to judge their moves is all okay, but delaying the game unnecessarily by ordering drinks, talking nonsense or being overly indecisive is not good for the spirit of the game.

Don’t Over-celebrate
Again, this is almost offensive, as the result of loss is frustrating to the other and so is over-celebrating. Nobody wants his lost money put on the show. Don’t dance or shout overly after taking down someone’s money. Instead, show some class and control both your negative and positive emotions.

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